Recurring Dreams

Recreating the feeling of a recurring dream through the use of color, symbolism, and repetition.

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Artist Statement

I am a currently studying commercial photography at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I enjoy creating photography centered around people and their life experiences. Recently, I became interested in reoccurring dreams and symbolism within dreams. In my photography, I illustrate the feeling of a reoccurring dream through red and repeating symbols.

 For this series, I utilized compositing and color matching to create a dream like feel to each image. I decided to repeat red within my images because it is a very bold and dramatic color that provides a unique feel to the dreamy environment. I decided to use repetition throughout my series by creating two images for every symbol including a sunflower, apple, red door, and books to create a noticeable pattern. Through the sequencing of the images, a story is told. Much like dreams, the environment and plot to the story don’t make sense, but the feeling, color, and subject matter provide the sensation of experiencing a reoccurring dream.

 I am inspired by the photographer Ronen Goldman who worked on a series of works about his dreams and what they looked like to him. Rather than delving into my specific dreams, I am creating the feeling of a reoccurring dream. Goldman does a great job utilizing compositing and unique props to get his ideas across. I used similar techniques and individualized props for my photoshoots as well; however, my images are based on specific symbolism, environments, and feelings of a dream. I believe that photography can provide understanding to dreams because it is often hard to explain through words and even picture in our mind after waking up. Throughout this series of works I hope to connect with others and create a greater understanding about the universal experience of dreaming and reoccurring dreams.